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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • 5

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • 5

Chicago Tribunei
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Imtiii ui riaic EKkutii; Vasklig taOW Hew. Catholic Old ZttanoifW- Traffic in BKbblcii chlng Sharks. Catalina Prom Our Own Oortesposftenb Bahia Barbara. CaL, Sept.

37. California is certainly one of the £BOBt plflMSnt portions of the United States to visit. It still retains many quaint old Hpaniflh ways, and there is a dreamy quiet about it which is delightful. The Coast fiangeof Tnnimtntna is seen some 60 or 70 mikw gway from the sea-shore, and seeming-ly running with The mountains an dark-blue, and, during many months of -theyear, are crowned with snow, while at there feet, rnay be fdund growing many tropical fruits. The plain which extends from -ghe Pacific Ocean to these mountains is alive With vegetable and, daring good is when there is an abundance of eeems to exult in showing-her trees and fruits of matchless Iwmty, and ln ooreriiig the graety plains yrith of cattle and tioraee.

In old jiiMi, Spaniards esteemed this au earthly Paradise, lived in a sort of barbarian and inxnry which has been surpassed in no portion, of America, except among the large land-owners of Peru and the Argentine -Confederation. XOS ANGELES is town, and has been long celebrated for its fine and other fruits. its delightful climate. It may be that the latter la somsshat too warm daring the summer bat, taken aa a whole, it ia enchanting. The old boildinga remind one of the time when this place was conaidered Aba hist town in California, Old or Mew.

and was the aoene of a pleasant fiesta. Where hidalgo, padre, and peon participated atnd all went on meixily and decorously. Here has been many a iaf dango under the allow moonlight, and here dark-eyed itaa and their gallon oaballeros have spent many a happy hour. It has been said by those who ylsited this place years ago, when it was under Mexican rule, that it was the happiest comm unity on earth. Debts, among the more roepeotable olasa of people, were unknown, and a generous hospitality whiob, at this day.

seems almost beyondbelief. Gentlemen travelling from cue eatauoia to another wen aapplied with hones as they were required, without money and without price; and, if any one Was supposed to be needy, a considerable sum of money was placed on the table in his sleeping-room, or in some other convenient place, and he was expected to take as much as he wished. If this money was subsequently ntnrsed, wellacd good; if not, no questions were asked, and no was more man welcome to what he had taken. short time Since, 1 attended a. picxic thb dura of the oouuT above Old.

San Fedro, vhiah la an opes roadstead above 'Wilmington; a little Amtrioaa settlement, trheib toe railroad from Los Angeles readies aneatnaty oCtbeaea. Wefoona a fine sandy Beach ana lew clams, and had brought With ns 'sundry eatables and drinaaoma 'Wherewith to refresh the inner man. It sras not this, however, that gave the charm to the party, bnt the breeze from off old Ocean, which had: been bom on from me far Conthneae "There is ho sea so bine, and Quiet, and beantifnl. astbe boundless FactCic, haded from its pracefol cbaraotet. It doca not tret and fame like toeAtitticio.

bat wsTW come in strong, and regular, and pnmWiiM, of a puuiet, tad fanny the; bffrUfbfi wish (Qem She siioyfragraiioe of far-off oraago-groeea. Sowvise the sky was ovexhrad, and now Wflf it ms to dream of tunny inlands, lying amid ttos all was and happl- the obarms of a perfect nothing tor mortals to de- gfnr ti-tbe snrf wo fouud an abundance gigantic sea-weed; and tnonsanda of asmmioK morra make thmr hoaxes KgMPthUMity cliffs near by, wmoh beetle the water. Is was a scene to be wnwin- AaDyA day. and as glorious as and sky, combined, ouoid make and Lower California not get mixed np in the minds of the UtMTt '-fiOCTHCTK CAIOPOEHIA of tbe State or California -which reaches, say. from Monterey to tne MMsaomiliaa; while Lower California is the extends down into she bounded on she east by the 'Qolf af California, ago known Sea or Sea ot Cortez, and whinhutfll belongs to the Been olio of Mexico.

Tfilmpottian is not as jet known to beffiladwithgoid mim though there ate aeon cedd-diggings near Los Angeles, which- hare been known einoe 1813. god whence, In fact, Don sent the fins gold to adelphia in that year. Thetiver-diggiogs weru then, but little thought of. and hare sot since been worked to any considerable people preferring agriooitnral mad pastoral pursuits. The old sesilera believed in flocks and herds, and some of these fiAtsae were of extent.

1c is said in old times, when the grass oa the plains was well eaten oat, and was a scarcity of water, great numbers of horses and cattle were driven over the caffs into fihe spa, in order to get rid of them. This may appear a pretty tough story, bat it has heen stated as an absolute fact. This was Setter than allowing them to starve to aa they. did. a few years ago, and leaving their festering carcasses 10 the air for miles and miles-around.

THW CATHOLIC MISSIONS were the flat permanent edifices built by the whites In this country, and around them crew Tillages and towns, and under their shadows the savages were taught tue arts of peace. The Catholic Fathers labored well anddiii gently, and some of th jm were men of grtat minds, enlarged views, and pf the most educated Christianity. Their whole lives and labors were devoted to thi.advancement of the Indians of she Facile Coast, who are among the most degrad'd of mankind. The Aliseiona built by themare still standing, and ace beautiful in deign and execution. 1 kuow of class of mm who are more worthy of profound respet than these good Fathers, who led Ives of punty, and devoted their vrhoh time and thoughts to the advancement of their wretched fellow-beings.

Foliar in these priests came in immigrants secured large land-grants fromihe Mexican Government, and ou grant the herds of cattle before alluded to were raised. Here, too, was reared a hodyhf VAQUEEOKS, orhedsmen, who arc amoog the best horsemen tbe world, and whose whole life may be sad to be spent on horseback, attending to thanimals. They are contented ia positoa, "though somewhat rode, and their lives.being passed in the open air.aresinaaiarlyhealthy and. free from disease. Wiih the earliest morning light they are in tbeir caddis, tiding oyer the country, and tbeir labos are oontinntd far into tbe night.

Theyseem to know of no other mode of life, and ore for nose. Tin Mueians at Santa Barbara, Lm Angeles, aid Ssn Gabriel are still in an excellent Btateotzepair, and are used daily by pious devotees. Santa Barbara is a beautiful phnrch, crowning a hill back of toe tows, asdfrom the harbor presents a fine appearance: At the Missions, the cultivation af EKAPK, THE THE ORAKGk, AND TUB T.IWB ttm commenced, ttid tbu cultivation now forma Tory imeortant item. California' wine has obtained acme celebrity, bat ita iltdftfiinn ie yet crude and in ite infancy. There trill be an average crop this year.

Some raisins are made near Gabriel, bat they are not the first quality, and can acaroely be considered more than an experiment. The olives are excellent. Figs, dates, and limes do exceeding weliandretnrn line profit to the producers. What ace known as English walnuts are also raised, of the best quality. Dates are packed in large bags, and, though not as good ae foreign dates, are aent into Arizona for sale, log Angeles oranges are highly prized, and have a peculiar spicy flavor which is exceedingly palatable.

The crop this season will be of last There peems to be no end to the capacity of this country for raising almost everything, and an energetic close of farmers are developing it rapidly. All of as they say. much better than a lick in the back with a sharp THE FABM-HODSKS on some of the terms are of peculiar eonstrnotion. and many of them were bnilt before file obtained possession of this country. They are long adobe bandings with creen made withont slate, and as white washed on the ontside, a distance presenting a neat and inviting appearance, Ineide.

are clean, with modern chairs and sofas, and, in some ioatacoes there is a young lady about the handsome piano. This house is ordinarily located on an eminence overlooking a great stretch of country, so that the bcrdi on distant ranges may mdiiy TNnnpMnllyansUuoloion Jau whlah -florae fnito, hetelan pNt- At tkcie imbM daring the moewtoght nights, daooe tethemntieof pino, Aatnv HIPPT iKD CONTENTED PEONS than the aid atd tbmr fleanmfl it would be difficult to find. They are gsj Tritboot btiof uproarious and enjoy tbo goad things of thuearthin a quiet andeeea- Jy manner. 1 fancy they sometimes look upon whet is known thrift nueatiheee with a smile of pity.

They have little more cariosity than aTork, or their old country-people, the Mooes, and areas staid and as can he imagined. Au the luce and bottle of Yankee enterprise does not seem to them the most desirsblo thing in the world, end they go. on from youth toege. contented and happy, and hoping to join their Catholic forefathers in the Him future. Their tstandee, or estates, seem now to be pretty safe; hot they had to sleep with both eyes open when the Americans first esme in.

in order to prevent their being csTritd awsy bodily bp the lean and people fn the Atlantic States, both North snd Svnth. For, when it comes to a real close bargain, a Southern can Northern man. The difference hetwen a Northern and a Southern," fair-miLded Kentuckian, The Sonttem an knows howto spend a picayune wiih more flourish than a Yankee; but. hen it comes to an absolute charity, the Yai et heats him clear out of sight! Ii does one 7 heart good to MOUNT A FIERY MUSTANG, in company wicn a native Californian, and vo careering over the plains and hills. The boreee seem to enter into the spirit of the thing, and go on and on as if they would lever tire.

The saddles nsed by these people give eatu faction to both man and beast, bffoiCirgagood searto the nder and plenty oi turnon for the legs, and there being very HttJe danger of giving the horse a sore back. The latso, or riata. is always coiled up on the pommel of the saddle, ready for instant nee; any animal, horse or bolt, who has it thrown over his neck, boms, or hoof, for a second afterward he is rolling over and over on the plain. In old times, there need to ha a considerable TRAFFIC IK HIDES; but ibis seems lately to have died out, or. if carried on at all.

is shorn of its former importance. Ship-load after ship load of hides was formerly sent from this coast way round Cape Born to Boston, where the hides were into sole-leather and distributed over the Uaion, and most Americans of 40 jeers of ege have walked many a mile on California leather. It is this traffic, in fact, with ihr ccciticual capture of a backed wiale. that, thirty years ago, gave this conntrv any commercial importance whatever. But the people were just as happy without it, and, provided the fair senoiitas could get some handsome print dresses and bright-colored handkerchiefs, a dark blue reboeo, oared very little what was going oh iu the outside world.

It is true that, with that peculiar disposition for revolutions which seems to be ii in the Spanish breast, they had their period leal overturning of the local governments; but these revelations were not remarkably bloody, and were soon forgotten. The dead, when any had been killed, were jburied with appropriate religious ceremonies. end everything was left as itshould be, until the proper time arrived for a new revnlsim. Once in awhile, a ship of-war visited the coast to look after the merchanttbipe sailing under its hag; and occasionally South American privateer, but little better than a pirate, coasted along the broad headland, stealing in a smell wav, and makii itself generally as much of a nuisance as pot si tie. THE INDIANS to bare been benefited aa much as any daw of people, and now Miction Indians, as ey are called, make excellent farm bands.

These people do not appear to have been considered remarkably sprightly by the priee'e; and it is said that, upon a certain ccae'oti. when one of them was baptized, tbe onest remarked, will make a 01 von, bat it will require a higher power than 1 possess to make a man of you!" This was pretty grim. to say the least. A HEALTHY GROWTH Krvades tbe whole of Southern California, try immigrants from the Southern States have moved in eincetfc war.acdsome of them have succeeded in bnildlng up respectable It was a refree hingthing for tfaeae people to get away from wan and rnrnon of wars. and many of them drew a long breath of thankfulness when they came in eight of the bine waves of the Pacific.

They almost well-spring of pleasure swelled up in their breasts when they lentd a nbw borne among the hospitable souls of tbe Far West. They had a long and dreary march through Western Texas, Kew Mexico, Arizona, and across tbe Colorado Desert; and it is no wonder that they fervently returned thanks to Providence when, they reached a land where there wee tone peace for the sole of their foot. This tide of immigration still continues. and, all along the oonree of the Southern Pacific Jtoiiroad, people are settilr toping, in spew have farms of their own which will rival the old ones left so far behind. former times, considerablebusiness was earned on in the way of CAPTURING WHALES and getting oil of them, along this coast; but, of late, this seems almost to have cesM-d.

In going np and down the coast, whales are Tory frequently seen, sometimes in corfeideiahle abeals. It appears that three shoals are not of the most desirable bird, they being Tory fierce and difficult to capture, besides containing a limited amount of oil. For this reason, they, ate not much Foogbt after, the water which from San Fedro to A GREAT StANT. SHARES' are taken by means of.a hook and line. hook is baited with meat, and then thrown-, well out into the water, mid, in a very abort time, hia sharkebip has hold of it and has ewalJowed it.

This is soon discovered by the fisherman cm shore, who seizes the line ana roes rapidly inland, and the shack is soon lying high and dry on the beach. While ihe Jlceis held fast by one fisherman, another goes at the shark furiously with a club, the-life is soon effectually beaten out of tbe hapless fish. The liver is taken out and boiled for the oil it contains, which iauetd I believe, for the same purpose that cud liver oil Tne bodies are thrown together lo ere they look like log-piles. send out an effluvium which would delight the aool of the oldest -fishwife. Here, too.

BEALS ABOUND, and nay be seen swimming about in the water. Mother-seals with baby-seals on their backs, looking, for all the world, like a human mother and her child, float on the surface of the shining hair refitoiingthexajsol the eon, and looking as aifcfek as DOfeSibie. These seals hurt nobody, ana I beiieve nobody them, reliance, some person should fire a rifiefcbot at them mere wan conn There is a small rocky island off 1 San Pedro, called DEAD ISLAND, where some sailor was buried years ago, li contains a few bunches of cactus, a tixnan's hut, and an immense kettle for trying out sharks 7 livers.BA more dreary spot, or one more properly named, does not exist. Tne surf beats upon it with the incoming tide, and the winds from off the are sometimes severe. Way off in front, like a mountain range seen in the hazy distance, is the dim outline of SANTA CATALINA, where the Chinese, in tneir queer looking craft with lateen sails, go to hunt avalones, or ptarl-bheUs.

This is a xnoliusk of one fcht ii, which adheres firmly to the rocks, and when nncistnrbed, the shell is pushed an inch or so upwards. The Chinaman appn aches, as noiselessly as possible with a sbai knife, and, at ouo cut, severs the univalve from the rock. The flesh, which is a great delicacy among the Chinese, is then oarefnlly dried, and is ready for market. The shells are sold to tbe people of the interior, by whom they are highly prized. This island has been bought by a stock company, and, as ills of cousiderable extent, will, in a few ears, be one of the finest estates in America.

There are said to be good mines of copper, silver, and gold on it, and an immense etretch of excellent grazing ground, where beros can be reared and easily oartd for. It is a little Eepnbiic within itself. Old Sac Pedro contains two or three homes, New San Pedro, or Wilmington, is straggling, clap board village, built on a plain, and to be looking anxiously about to know whether it is really alive or not. It is by no means an attractive place, nor is it very extensive. Back of it, however, among tbe hills, and in tha shaded dells, there are some handsome houses, owned by the old Spanish families, surrounded with carders and embowered in roses, and presenting a charming appearance.

The old Spaniard is oy no meg Tig enchanted at seeing THE LOS ANGELES EAILEOAD, nor cad be be niaoe to believe tbe Millennium ie bearer on account of it, or that it win be more bright in the future because the said railroad has been built! He Bars, Sites colas ton may singular, pcro qutuiilf ll heee things are very strange, but of what nee are ihey I Who can answer! Is the world really better off for thin age of speed and railroads I Quien sate Algebra. A FAR AWAY CLAII. iiliuraita, Law Ball All lha War Nu CMmumi Wan Luky la SUaiBB Among the Important tnltaoommsneed yesterday, in. one Involving the ownership of mm exof edlnglylvalnahla endextenkive mining property la Colorado. The bill In an unusually lengthy one, ana eke tehee the history of tbs panics to the nit In manner which reaOi mote like fiction or romance then the sober matter-offae state treats of a law document.

Two brothers, nemsd Harris, and one Wheeler, of Metes ohnsetts, who formed a portnermhlp to make a mining Tentore la Oolornflo, many yean ago, settled la GttplnCouniy, and acquired a large area of mineral lance with that object. After earning on for come time, with apparently little sneesos, they absolved, and all the parties separated, ore ol the Harrises being the only one who remained on the spot, although he never Interfered eitb the works. Which were turned over, with all the property; to the care and enatofly of parcnera doingbnamen aa Kimball field. At the time of dlaaolnUsa, Us parties owed Jim b. im 6m.

M- PiUMb'MA ukai. B. Moon, Mac firtna. be ax county as Lyoa, Feltmea" stTStarganaa sappM, sat tvs at tbs parterre baa amtaar penen la a iiubiNj ana ifmnii fibs ana. Ihey alee awed ether enas.ihe whole eg-' Kimball, effttf of rho detunes firm.

entered iateaa rrwat with Lyons, Pniiau A 00. to bay up ail the eaMreaittng waimaagolass to mve notes re that am for lor the midf. LyeaaA Os. having toe priTutw DfaaUutio boot terms Uty elves, pcekebxr im difbrenes. To tfceee KimboU A 00, noting as aceats el ftbe plaintiffs la tbit sole, made a la ta vor 'or oa actlaas were taken la tbo nearest conns, jabassa rendered agalatt the present DlalstUle, ned Lyon A Go.

entered Into posses of ibe leads, but transferred the meats to Parmtlee A. Gage, -Who oeoame oenneotsd with tbs matter iu a meaner the plaintiffs are as able to explain, the property leased to ibe Gregory Consolidated Mining Company, or acquired come way by that compsi.y, tj whom tee mines are soil being worked. Petitioners pray tas interference of the Court to do jostles in the COINTY LEEIELATiON. Util .1 uilay-Tii tnaiiw ci 4 sl G.I Salt Timm UullH Prm patail xwa Uiahansr the Beard ef imt GamtOfflca An adjourned meeting of the Board of County Coumiseiontrs met yesterday afternoon. President White in the ebair, and present Oommis doners Stearns, Jones.

Ashton, Crawford, rle, Harrison, Hertteg, Boelle, Lanergan, Patman, and Shelly. rnocnasTmanoH. The Special Committee on the Judges of mention not being prepared, they were granted until xt Monday to present the report. Thft appointed Commissioner Jones to supply the vacancy on the Special Committee on Election, created by the absence of Commissioner Watil. HAW KLKCTIOH PEECIKCTB Crawford presented a resolution lor the creation of an additional precinct la the Town or Tiew.

and appointing the Judges of Section for that term. The district north of Belmont avenue to be known as District No. 1, and that portion south as District No. 3. Ccmmlstloner Ashton objected to the resolution, ana moved Us reference to the special Committee on Judges of Election.

He thought the resolution wss properly embraced within the business of the Committee. Commissioner Crawford offered an amendment to the orulnal resolution establishing the additional preemet, and referring the appointment of. the Jndgts to the special Committee. The resolution was adopted amended- Commissioner Crawford recommended the adoption of a resolution for tee division of the Town of Lake into election precincts. The territory north of Fifty-fifth street to be known as District Ho.

1. and south as District No. 2. The report was eocenrred in. Commissioner Ckawfora presented a reoomm eno alien from certain residents of the To wit of Cicero against ths re quested division of the town into two voting pxcemots The Commissioner he would guarantee the residences of the signers of the protest to be in Oak Psrk end Austin, which ere In joxtapositem to the polls.

He tb ought teat the reaid eats of the southern section of the town should be given the same Tacllulss for voting as was enjoyed by the inhabitants of the upper district. The citizens af ths southern part would have to toavel eight and one-halZ miles to VOie. The petition of tee residents of South Olaero was granted. The Motion north of the canal will eonatitute District No. 2, and that south ol the cenelNo.

cnnmm. court bxpssus. Commiatloner Ashton presented tbe folio wing communication fmm ike County Attorney: Borne have been leaned lor mileage in the Criminal Ooart, oat the arer relates to pay tbem tba order of tbe Board. I believe tbe Board have concluded to pay the expenses of the Criminal Court since July 1.1873. I would, therefore, reoomrannd the or the folio wine: Sisoictd, That the County Treasurer be, and la hereby, directed to pay jury certlflnatea for mUtagefor attendance in the Conru of Beoorft of Cook County, eluding the Criminal Court, from.and after the let day of July, 1872.

The reaolmlon wu adopted. A oemm nnioation from Stone, asking permission to erect a shoo lor nla horses In the Court Home grounds, wee referred to the consideration or the Committee on Public Braidings, with power to set. A communication from the County Treasurer acting for the stove was referred to the Committee on Jails and Jail Accounts. The Committee on Fit ance reported that the petition from Baker Brothers asking for an adwanes of on their contrast for famishing wood should not be granted. Oa motion of Commissioner Ashton, the report was emended granting the request of Baker Brothers upon the approval of their bond by the Finance Committee.

The report, with amendmens, was adopted. anuoaxzonaL. The Committee repotted In favor of sundry bills Sepurt concerted In. The same Committee reported that there were ISO pupils In the Normal school, and that the In- Btlrnnon waa in a floarhhlng conditio a. Taey ncommended the appropriation ofiimwo for salat les.

repairs, cte Report eoeenzred in. The Committee reporu-d two vacancies in the Ocunty Board of Elocation. An Informal ballot reunited as follows: L. Bwett. C.

P. Periolat, K. B. Begne. V.

hL Egan, T. J. B'uihsrdt, a. On motion the ballot was made formal, and Messrs. F.

Fexiolat and Leonard Bvett de dared elected. The Committee on Jail ana Jail Aeooonts reported In favor of the Did of E. J. Thomas fer rutting in order and running tne heatime apparatus la the old Coart oaffdlag until July 1. 1675.

in the sum of 92J00. The report waa adopted. The Board them adjourned. ATTRACTIONS. What Is Bthf Bm Sataaet the CkuteUr tfec Cfeuacwrtt Oar Cftcyaa a mUhi Enfrwa Stehtag Toward Ito Ptfia Whatever caheaoas tke osaraoserof Chisago a home, only seconds what nature and the development ef channels of communication hare done to establish her ae a vast business entrepot.

Yean ago it was a well received fact that here waa the place to make money. It le only a few yean since it- was almost the inevitable quenoe to a fortune won in Chisago, to go abroad and speed it among the better developed surroundings of Eastern cities. We have changed all this. The perfection of oar sum made a good beginning, but the chief agency in this respect has been tas realization of our vast park and boulevard which has courtly remodelled the character of our flat and treeless suburbs. Even In the year of our great rebuilding, amid the vast enterprises enter taken in the restoration of our city, so well secured, ware the sources of revenue of our several Park Boards, tkat in eaoh the park operations nave gone forward.

A few days sines, we made some reference to South Park matters, and a few words with reference to the West Park will be in order. The West side Parks are gradually assuming definite proportions. Immediately after the fire twenty sores in Central Park were prepared for tree planting, and the land embraced, within this area laid off in walks and drives. A large number of trees and ahrube were transplanted from the Park nursery to the grounds during thelast winter. These trees have flourished admirably, and in eaea inatanoeof loss the cause of decay has been traced to the effects of the extreme cold weather in which they were transplanted.

The trees lathe Parks have not oeen stripped of. their umbrage, and put through a process of pruning as an incentive to growth. In the Park nurcery there are 20.138 trees: planted in Central Park, there are MS trees, avexaglrg from 6 to 10 inches in diameter; In Banglas Park SS4 trees, from 6to 18 inches in diameter; inHomboldt Park, 683 trees, averagings inches in diameter. The property embraced within the system of West Bide Park approximates to 760 acres, the greater portion of which has undergone a transformation under the hands of the workmen. an immense area of land adjoining and adjacent to this Park ii Influenced by the improvement of this park property.

The comparative appreoiatiO' in value la us Upon the location of the West Bide Parks, laud in the vicinity commanded 33.000 per acre. The mama property to-day Is valued at 36 000 per acre, and when the land is subdivided and of In lota, an acre is estimated to be wortn from 33 000 to Property in the neighborhood of theee parks during the entire cummer has found an easy market and adequate pnoea. To provide against the evils of an unexpected season of drouth, artesian wells have been sunk in the different parks, and underground water-pipes, diverging -from these wells, have been distributed throughout the entire area of the parks, so that with 100 feet of hesa every of land in the parka can be watered. This is a wise precaution, and speaks wen for the sagacity of the Park Commissioners. Tne three wells discharge an aggregate of gallons of water, dally.

Tbe wells have reached an average depth of 1,200 feet. Seventy-five laborers have been continually engaged throughout the summer in beautifying this naturally bleak territory. Tbe work progresses in a sati-faotory manner Photographs of the present condition of the Parks, compared with those of the Parks in their embryo state in 1870, present an agreeable and striking contrast. Tbe unremitting labors of the Commissioners, in their laudable efforts to accomplish this work, entitle them to tne commendations of the public. THE BLAKE BUSINESS.

CMtliilta tkt Cary thtTinan Blackmailers aa4 Kajteto ikelr IfMaiei The FuuU Daelaloa as is a New Trial Bsssrrsd- Hr. Herwy, of the oonacel Zer the eomplainaat in the divorce case, wee heard by Judge Gary, in the Superior Court, when the case opened yesterday, at 10 o'clock a. so. He stated again the basis upon which the inntfmi had been made to set aside the verdict substantially aa before published. He thought that eases of texywere seldom proved by direct evidence, and were generally known only to the participants and Almighty God.

Ha would allow married ladles the largest crty in their social relations with gentlemen, bat he did. and the public must ever, act their facte strenuously against any interfereroa with the marriage relation. The defendant's attorneys claimed that Urs. Blake's relations with Thompson were nothing more than mere innocent sociability. He thought otherwise.

The ants had made mneh ado about the deteettvm hired to the steps, aa they oalledlc, Itra. Blshe. How was the nutband to know of her relations with man Thompson I Ojuld he ask her! Homan nature makes a general denial of guilt- Halos, some oarty must be employed to watch her actionr. it did not matter whether he hlreo or not- In the fast, that tne witness given smli indirect listed that he told the lor when men lie they invariably tell a strong story This man and otters testified that Mrs. Blake had received visits from Thompson at inopportune times, and that ao other parties were admitted dsrlag their TITH! CHICAGO TRIBUNE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1872.

iSnw HiilllMHt mdf imJ. bat witfc mmnu tn wt in. tiaftig rraTclUw rcaspuisu, tola WIBM stale am. aaia todr alw pioaalnd Mr Bute to do better, ud leave ofl ier former laamacy with Ditapin. For three or four aoiua did well, rot ijoii to walk In OeoW path.

Mxa.BlakeoMaiTkwpaon'a morethan at home, aba the wile waa away. Thompson visits were tequat aad omUiom till laie hove, when the complainant waa absent from hove. Enoeaee waa given to ahew that Sire. Blake had arisen from her bed. at 2 or 8 o'clock in ico atng, to walk through the aeeindefl parts of the Tillage of Wmetka with Tkompeoe.

All three oiroomstaaeea pointed cnc-lstakably to the feet that illicit teramrae had Been effected between the parties, and that tl defendant had been guilty of adultfry. Mr 'Hervay then reviewed the vlalte wnioh Urn Biahe had made at Thompson's office la Chicago. fie Inquired whether it, waa eas ternary for married woman to vlait the offices of gentlemen, other than their husbands and becloeted with them. Would any Kien be quite at eaae with his wife frequently visiting other men's offices under euohoiroam- -t this waa what the defendant's counts) ca'led Innocent sociability. Mr.

Hervty dreed with a review of the Court's to the jury. Judge Gar; pave it as hia opinion tliat tna called newly discovered evidence the Tamers sot worth; of the consideration of any intelligent jury, as their eorr'-Bpondeuee with both parties, and their general bad faith, shoved them to be blackmailers. His decision on orher rotate he reserved till he could review the arguments oed testimony. Thera Is much complaint because of the prleo charged, for any sauce which has mult. The foreign sauoes cost dollar per pint bottle, and, even If the priee was tbe only objection, it a valid one.

Now the Leicestershire Table Banos, which is a great deal bettor, because of the absence of all tiuga and flavors which are peculiar to tjgn taste, can he had at only fifty cents per pint bottle in any city or town in the coon try. Ood Idwar OIL Hazard CasweU'a Ood I4ver Oil la the beat. Nov Life to the Bair. Barrett's CVeoaine gives new life to the hair. CtDMIMt hair as the dressing for tbs hair, and peculiarly adapted to Us rations conditions.

StmcSihu, only 26 cents. Teetblng Cordial tor chlldren Pleasant, reliable, and ante. Only 26 cents. For sale by all druggists Beefed TTUrrt Family Medicines. Uver purely vegetable cathartic and dyipepda, debility, sick all derangements of liver, stomach, and bowelc.

Ask yenr drogglat for Beware of finltatlnne BatehalarTs Batr Dye. This splaedtd hair dye la the beet in the world. The only true and perfect dye Harmless. reliable, and Instantaneous: no disappointment; no ridiculous tints unpleasant odor Remedies the 111 effsota of bad dyes and washes. Produces immediately a anuerb black or natural brown, and leaves the hair clean, soft, and beautiful The genuine.

W. A Batchelor, rolflby all druggists. CHaBLBB BATCHELOR. Proprietor. N.

BOABDlltt AMU XODGIMO. THBOOP-ST 8 DOORS FROM VAN BU- JuO renal tarnished rooms, gas, bath, hot and cold water, with board, for gentlemen and wives or gentlemen, fer first olaaa parUes who are willing to pay for first-class fare. iOA WEST MONRO R-ST-SUITE OP TWO roexiA or single aad large front parlors, with first data board. Ik; £BKB HOUSE 166 WENT LAKRBT class board, from $8 to $9 per week- Day board. f5 per week.

Transient. $2 per day. gogtS IQK TWIN TT-NINTH-ST LARGE XOO room and two single oneA mt MICHIGAN-aV-A -SUITE OF BOOMS 40 ill with board to a gentleman and his wife or vwoyoprgmen; Deotherbosrdera pi A MCKLY FOBiIIUKD XU room, with board, suitable for 2 gentlemen. with gas, fire, etc. ICTift MICHIGAN aV-TO BENT.

BOOMS. VIU with board; first-class accommodations for gentlemen and wife or two single gentlemen. aaq fur- nlsbed front room with first-class tsbie; table room for two gentlemen; alae table boarders accommodated. Old MICHIQaN-AV-desirable booms mito rani, with board. WaBASH FURNISHED A rooms tor geatlsman aad wife; also day boardarawanted; terms reasonable.

OAR MICHIOAN.AV—SUITE OF ROOMS ON first floor lo marble front house, nearTwsnly-filth-at, with beard. HOTEL. 177 EAST TWENTY-FIRST, i-v large rooms, handsomely famished, with first class board at moderate rates. YOUNG LADY WISHING TO AT- teed school in the city (or a few desires a tamlMted single room with board, with a respectable prtta family, where the comforts of heme cam he enjoyed. Address, giving location and terms.

MlSfc J. Tribune office. Board a gentleman and lady of quiet a well-tarnished roem. with board for the lady, with a strictly private family. U'lng near bone car or stage

Accommodations with a respectable widow lady living alone pre(erred. Addreaa, with full partloalars, X.X.X, Tribune office. BOOK. WITH BOARD, for a lady sad child (6 yean oa the Wed side: centre city preferred. Addreaa H.

XL, Tribune office tob gentleman aud wife on South Sica. Private family preferred. K. W. PORTEB, Boom IS.

ISlLaSaUeet THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 8, between 32 Aberdeen and 925 South Halatnd a dally cash account book A suitable reward will be jald by leaving it either at 32 Aberdeen 935 South in vicinity of Jefferson park. Thursday, a small pin. with enamel wreath. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at ticket Office P.

A Ft. Wayne Railroad Depot. a pocket book containing about 832 or fS en Madison or State-st. The finder win be re-warded by returning the aama to No. 77 Founh-at, near Milwaukee ar.

ON NORTH Side car or going to money, trank check, Ac Please leave withO- 8. AxX, North canal-et. oct. 4. a package consisting of veil, seek -tie, gloves, culls, and sleeve-buttons, on Fnlton-st.

Aahlanu.av f'arrouor Ada-sca. Allbara. rewaid will paid for their return to 6(4 Fulton-ft or for the sleeve-buttons alone. on between hubbard and aldrtdge courts, er on Xldrldge-court, a red pocket book containing a email sum of money and pap era. The finder will be rewarded by leaving at No.

10 JUdrtdge-oonrt. STRAYING ABiT HORSE ON THE 3rd of Oct, 1672, the owner can have by proving proreity and paying by applying atllS 1 lUer it. West Side, Chicago- on the sidewalk in front of Glark-at- a box of crookerywarewhichthe owner can have by paying for this advertisement. Apply at LYON corner FROM THE CORNER OF WEST Lake and Ciinton-sts Oct. s.

medium Bleed, bay horse, dark mane and tall, hair off under front fetlocks The finder of will be liberally ie warned by returning same to 58 West Lake-st. BLACKMAB BRO rRKBfI. T6KKN UP-ON OABBOLL-BT, NEAR HA.L-gted one black horse, weighs about 1,000 Iks. Owner can have him by calling at 174 Carroll st, and paylngchargea. Taken up-sept.

ssth. by ho. lovett. three north of oak Park, a bay about lands high, thin in A REWARD-LOST OCT. 3.

FOUR RAILCJXU road passes and some notes, ofnouseezeept to the owner. Return to WM. CLIN OMAN, 373 Wabaah-av. engines, portable to power; threshing.B and 10-horse; olrenlarsawmilla. grinding mnii, oom-shellera, log Ac.

COLLINS EATON, to South Canal-at. STATIONARY AND PORT ASUS circular saw ahlngls machines and aawa western Branch office, S3 south Canal-at. F. W. NORTHROP, Agent.

FOB IKQIIiX, 14x24. LEFT HAND; 2, 11x2a right and left: 160-lnrh boiler, 14 feet long, Si inch flues. aII new. Address J. C.

at 00.. Port Wayne. Ind. SAW MILL FOR 8 A LB, CHEAP. ONE circular saw mill; saws.

53 and 30. J.Q. MEBRIMaN, 56 South Canabst. ffVbObE IB WAHT OF WOODWORKING HA- chlnery. will be pleased to learn that we now keep In stock the well-known Wltherby.

Bncg Planers, and Matchers, and hare tnll control for the sale of these machines in the city and the eat generally. Being the only machines of the kind that will at au compare for durability, pllclty of construction, and smoothnesa of work, with the premium machines built by the Rochester Machinery Manufacturing Company, in whose store a full stock of machinery, wood and Iran of all kinds is constantly kept on hand, including all sizes of engines and boilers stare, shingle, and heading machinery. As. at Rochester Machinery factoring Company. H.

6 WORMEB, Treasurer, 87 and 39 South Canal sk. Chicago. Tip UNDERSIGNED WISH TO purchase a second hand upright enaine, and boiler attached; mutt be in good order. BAIRD A HANDSAW. Boom 4,161 Eaat Madisonst WBITRPBOBO IRON WORK.

Hers, steam and power pump boiler pumps, hose, portable hoisting engines. Ac. J. Q. RIAM, General Agent, 96 South Canal-at.

A a.BOBBE BOILER AND ENGINE. FIRSTiv class for sale, with or without lease of Ues; poesessloa Jan. Terms moderate. Purchaser can let out to tenants all surplus power. A.

N. KELLOGG St and 65 South Consi st COUITKT REAXk ESTATE, T7OB CHOICE LITTLE FRUIT FARM of seven acres, within oneroils of St Joseph, Mich, will be goldforabont half its value if eold at once: will give liberal terms; would exchange for a good business, (no saloon or restaurant). quire of the owner at 486 West Lake-st. FARMS OFBO ACRES EACH. cne farm of 26r acres; mil good land and under cultivation, will exchange for Chicago J.

F. NICHOLS A CO 25 South Caaal-at. FARM OF 51 45 miles from Chicago; rick sill, good buildings, orchard, and plenty of water; tltlsNe. One wishing profitable investment sad good home for his family cannot do better Will exchange for clat-s Chicago property, PAUL bOBOi-ESKI, 68 For salb-5 acres in the of the W4- of Section 17, 39. 13 south ol Austin In quire of DREW A NEWBDBY.

Booms 8 end 9 Block aawiaa- ainarm cmfezE Bzwnte HlctioU Pmtmb, 144 Honlh HiJjwUl lb -hinaa sold or rented on 6aay monthly payments and work gtvsm ween desired. SWT HEELER A Tv the new Improved aoMI or rented on easymonthlr payments. Work gtrsn if desired. FLANNERY. Otty ApntS- main Ol Genuine Sauce.

Buimw lotnm VeNHih BOABP WABTXa ion Am roun IBCASBs Tapp ttavs XABTG MADE A HPP city hmltk, south, and claim to he an.wrtLlfaet.hsfe unSwiae.tevatnaa there shan aeyolhsrbiabiS IlMiwwt exclnalvely that property, aa acqaatotod with almost arexy owner, know who te ana what they ask tor it. and dalm-to be better pealed la regard to improvements in that vicinity than anyone aiar. These avenues are all 100 feet wide, thskiaareall iso feet and. being m. the vtetaity of the paras and toulavards.

are deattned to became the choicest resides oe ty cl this city. Thataadrtc; saver waa greater than at present. the city has moved south -bodily one by the Ore. and residents have brea owded off theaveanesby business for mors than three miles. Certainly there is so surer lor them to than farther out on the avenue In- the vtctnitv of thaperMacd This prof erty Is but just In Its infancy, aad whoever la shrewd erough to boy now is awe.

they hold on long enough, to realize an (immense profit tinr bankers. capitalists, and are already securing house lota while the price la low. on which they lutead. at some time in the immediate future, to erect tbelr splendid homes: and. from the class of men who are already livlmr there, and those contemplating 'building, the quality of tbe neighborhood la guaranteed to be tbe bestin the city.

have a great variety of this kind of property for sale, among which can be found some choice bargains, and if any one contemplates buying In thlvicinity at any tin I can assure them they can buy cheaper now than they ever can again. Oku. a. 457 wabash-av. COK BALE-CHOICE AND CHEAP Lordly Egan av (1 hlity ninth st-) between south Park Boulevard and Vincennes av.

a choice and beautiful Lota SOziTs feet each to 20 foot alley Small cash payment and long time on balance unquestionable This property being in the vicinity of horse and steam ears, schools, churches, xtoroa, residences. possesses every advantage for those who desire to build. The land ib-a handaomly aad the terms are unprecedented. For Investment nothing better can be found, as property so accessible and admirable located, cannot fall to rise rapidly and largely In value. J.

ESAIAM Chamber of commerce, firsipfloor. No. IS. iWB fc ALE-GOOD RfcSIbENOE AND BUSI-1 ness lots at ftSO to gsoo each, flrst payment SSO to 9100. balance in monthly, quarterly, or payments.

in Henry Wiener's Addition, corner Mil waakeo-mv and near school, cepot and ar 11; are all made and ornamented with hundreds of large shade trees, a good settlement is growing up by the purchasers of lots, who go to and from their work the city by a line ot omnibuses Apply st our office (open evenings) and ride to see lota before baying. WIBKhB BBOTHERS, 133 West Madleon-st. BALE-OsKtVUOO BOULEVARD, BEtween South Park boulevard and Vluc-noes-av, north and south fronts. ThU beautiful properry will be sold In lots to suit it dm every advantage of location and accessibility. To those who buy immediately, low prices will be made and remarkably terms given.

Title unquestionable. Thera la no property anywhere more certain to advanca XSalas WaRbSN, Chamber of Oommerce, first floor. No. 18. 20or 40 ACRES.

N. WJOPH.Bi of Sec. M. Town 40. 13.

st a bargaiu, 1C taken scon. WHIPPLE. 75 South SaLE-MTOBY AND BASEMENTHOUSE of 16 rooms, all modern improvements, bested by steam, brick barn, lot 25x150. No. 4 Pare Bov; nov occupied by arshaU Field Esq; Immediate posers elon, wltn or without taralture; ta'l view of the bar.

labs, and Lake Park. SNYDER A LKg 14 Nixon Boildlng, northeast comer Monroe and bauetta. CH)B BALE-S3OO CASH OB OTHER GOOD pioperty as first payment, balance monthly, new 8-room cottage and lot on Indiana at. TMUEB A BROWN, ITS West hunters, attention. A 1 fall two-story and basement cottage, 7 roomai besides pantry and closers, mantels, bard and soft water, na.

and very sear and steam ears. a. Oakland, near Fortieth at only S3 500. fSOO cash balance SSOO a year; a good investment; cheaper than paying rank, inquire Of ULRIOH A BOND. 611 Wabashav.

P)B LOTS on Oakley and Leavltt-sta and Werterw-av; mast be sold wttbfn 10 days; price $450 and $800; only stoo cash required. Cauaad lake ride aad see them. STOREY. ALLEN A (XL. 131 West ington-at.

Fib a obeat bargain, in monthly payments, new bouse. 10 rooms, ooraer of Western av and Polk-at. Inquire on premises, or at 106 fcoatb OUrk-st, in back. TCOB BARGAIN. IF TAKEN THIS Ms week.

Marble front houae on Union Park Place. LEVI AGO 336 Wabash av. EXCHANGE FOB LOT. ble front house, on Colfax av, Thlrty-aecond-st. LEVI WING A CO 338 Wabaah-av.

(TOR LOTH NEAR Ms Reaper Factory Cheap and easy terms. Only eight left HASS. WHITNEY A 146 LaSalle st. SALE TWO NEW WITH lota for HEX) each. S6OO cash, balance monthly payments: alae a new stare with lot.

Apply toC.L. BOYD, 336 Wabash-av. LPOR HALE-FINE HOUSE 2-HToBY FRAME brick basement. Indiankav, near Tblrtyaecond at Two story frame, large lot, Adama-at, near land-av. Two-story and basement brick, Monroe at, near Jefferson Park Two-story frame, Wood-st, sear Jackson.

Two-atory frame, Harahfleid-av. sear Congress rt. Lota taken is part payment, HENRY WaLUB, JR. ISO West Wsshlngton-st. FOR SOX4O.

WITH 10 BOOMS. 3 gonnd lease Rent only S4O a year. Good location. Cheap. NOGKIN A FIdUHEK.

16 Sooth Desplalnea at. iV)B LOTB-ON ALL THE as streets betwaea Twenty-third aad Thirty-ninth itreets, and betwten State and Wallace. All out of fire limits Perfect titles Warranty deeds. A very small payment down: 6 years. 6 percent No agency bnalnsaa.

A-LBkRT CRANE 872 Wabashav. EMIR BARGAIN IN ACRE PROPER- A ty. Wo have iT aorea near th- great MoConnlck Reaper Works, already subdivided, as S6OO per acre leas than its value, (or a few days. KERB, DAVIbuN A WELCH. ICLaSaUeat.

1 160, cm Bandelph-at, between Frank: In and Mar. ket-sta, at a bargain, by JOHN GUN ZENHAUSER, Rtal Estate office 161 Baadslph-at. Wahash-ava, 111 brick house. High, wood, taao cash. 10 years, bargains.

MEaim, 148 OOTT'AUJBa tuA oa 1 6 years' Ema. monthly paymenm, interest par cent; watar on pnalaea, and convenient te oaca, on east ox Wallace-at. Apply ta ywinp. FIB HER 148 LaHalle-st. basso nrl SALK OF RKA.L Mtateat auction on Monday, Oct 7.

at soon, around, or lota oa North LaSalle-aL, 200 teot nfi ot Schiller at one third caab.balaaoe In one ana two as 8 per oeat Interest. Ala atraot at Q. KKAL EITATKi TOOB MAPLEWOOD, ADJOINING old city only 4 from Court Boom. accessible by a team ears; oommutatlon fare. frontage on Humboldt Boulevard.

Fullerton and Weatcn-ava. Treea have been aet out over the entire property. Sidewalks have been laid, artesian well, superior to any ether in the vl amity. flowing at the rate ot SSO gallons per minute ot pure water, equal In respect to that of Lake Michigan. Pure ha sera ot these lota avoid dtv taxes, while at the same time the property la rapidly enhancing la value hr the cltj improvementa which will soon reach this vicinity Lois for sale on easy payments Nooaah payments required of parties making Improvementa.

Price of lota from 9375 to $475. We can furnish printed abatraeta of title to the above property. WING a FABLIN, No. 68 Bast Madieon-st, corner state. Boom 4 F)B bale-south park boulevard, nearTbiny-aeventh'St 132x300 feet.

Park Boulevard, southwest corner Oakwood Boulevard. ISSxUO. bouthParx Boulevard, northeast corner Oakwood Boulevard 190x140 broth Park Boulevard, north of Oakwood Boulevard 300X140. Booth Park Boulevard, northeast corner Fortyelgbth-et 333x300 -Oothreeaseaingfor first-lass residence sites, or for Investment in Boulevard property. can offer some the very finest bargains Intha market, and on remarkably liberal terms i here la no risk in snch property its advarce is certain.

J. EBAIAB waBRAN, 15 Chamber of Commerce. L'OH THE AVENUES SOUTHa 50 ft Wabaah-av. near Forty-fiist-at. 60 ft near Forty-aixth-sL 100 it near Forty-tbird-st.

JOOftMichlgan-av comer Porty-fourih-st. ICO ft Micitlgan-av, near Forty-fifth-st 50 ft Mlehlgao-av Forty-seventh at. aoo ft corner 100 Indian sat. con er Forty-sevecth-rt. 800 ft Indiana av, corner Forty-fittb-st.

GOO ft Prairie-av, corner Forty third st. ISO ft Prairie av, comer Fort' -fourth st. 60 ft Prairle-av. comer Forty fifth-at. 60 ft near Forty-alxth-st.

GKO. A. Wgbaah av. EOR LOTS. AORKB.

BETWEEN Fifty-third and Fifty Fourth wood and Pauli' Abargalnforaomebooy. AddressW27, UOR SALE-TWO. 4. AND ACRE BLOCKS King between two depots; very valuable for residences being about 5 miles frrm the Court House. If soldthia week they can oe had at two thirds their value, and usual time.

iL A. LAWRENCE A 00, 181 East Madison-at. F3R ACRES AT A BARGAIN, COBner Cottage Grove av. and Sixty fourth-st; terms only ore-fifth balance 4 tears. GEO.

EMERY, Wabash av. Fir beautiful 4 acrb lot on the northeast comer Indlannav and FiftyseveLth-sr, one front on Indiana av and two on Prairie av; only easy terns; a bargain: the finest in the vicinity ofFouth Park. WARBXN, IS Chamber of Commerce. OB SALE-NEW OoTTaGE HOUSB AT Washington Heights Lot 60x125 feet, on rentral-st witun two Mocks i three nepota. Price (1.6t0; SSO c-ah, and 123 per month without interest F.

CLARKE 876 State-st 008 KO; fiOO CaSH per month will bay a beautiful new cottage and lot soxiss feet at Washington Heights, two blocks from three depots. B. F. CLARKE 00., 376 mate at. rX)B ENGLEWOOD.

SOME DEEP 17 dry lots, a few south of the church; also, rheap lots and acre property, in Linden Grove division, on easy terms, a. BLaKE. 127 LaSalle at, Boom 6. For ohoior investment at Washington Heights acres grove property, fronting Prospeeuav. near Tracy and the Junction depot, where all the passenges trains atop.

46 lots, with a front on Weatern-av boulevard. lion 1. 33,13 160 acres in Section 18. 39. 13.

fronting on and between MadlsonandTvelfth-ats. bra dk COATES. 334 Wabaab-ar. fJORSALI-ATA BARGAIN, 25 LOTS llf SOUTH Englewood. 25x175.

to 25- foot alley, for sale by the owner at $l5O ea only tl 000 cash, balance easv payments: won't pay mmlssions; sell. SiE-nliN FISH, 171 East Madison at. Booms 3 and 4. G. WHIPPLE, 64 SOUTH Dssp alnasat- Well Improved farms of 80.140, and 900 acres on Auzplalses River, 25 miles from cago; 80 acre farm mile from Palatine; also ff acres ofland and new 9 room bouse $2 700 3 acres land, brick hocae.

and barn in i-nntcn. $3 200: 4 lots on Warren av; SO foot front on Walnutst; lot on Pearch 5t.51,500; corner lot on Forty fltihat, f509; 12 room honee and lot on Ashley at, S3 000 Fob exchange fob city ob suburban property one of the most beautiful and productive farms In country, near Waukegan, andZi miles from 4StP contains 130 acres. 25 acres nice Umber; over 300 fruit trees. Inquire of BORTHKE, 113 West Lake-at, For property in vicinity of Irving Park very cheap; come and aee us. Nos 1 and 3 Weat Madia oa-st, Room No.

National Beal Estate Bureau. 1708 a in good order, modern improvements; grounds handsomely improved; would rent. E. L. CANFTELD.

IR9 East Madlson-st. WILL THE GENTLEMAN WHO fell ovezgthe e-pile on Pulton at. meet the party who was with him. on Saturday evening, at 7 near the church as before? Bird. PERSONAL- MICH LaOY IS REQUESTED to write Immediately to his slater, at No.

80 Labroase at. Detroit Mich. ORWFOUU 73 YEARS JTI old. speaks no English, la a small man and very grav; infotjDfct'on to be Uft at 61 Dixon at, near vision at. Weat Side.

GXGHAVOX all new. with or without ease, for a cheap lot. or a working and tilting; everything complete to accnuux'ate 25 oftiders; coo '6 all new, full of boarders, wm ay difference in part CaU on the prtmlaoa- No. 10 South COntan i rir rt AJTOWHOnr orp.rsoffußHu.fortol. to J-1 TO KEKT-PABK BnwnS ISCIIBS Ud COIUIB OroT.

i.qUBW. Ot MT9- J. AKhKhPOH, Unt be use ulth ol TwtoW Hi west front on Indiana av. TO LARGE rooms, on lower floor. 8, class is, water and gas.

at 2T7 Oak at. nearthelake- TO BXKT-LABQE MARBLE av, near brisk wood; ores, tenements, Wentworth-av. S. MlAats fCSWaiSAh-av. 110 VERY DESIRABLE FURNISH.

edhoaieonthesonthslde. near Thirty-ninths st; 13 rooms; large sUlo and cellar; good barn completely and hsnostmely furnished; hot and cold water; water closets; every convenience: rented HU May only to private family; possession given Oct iSto Vev. inquire of DREW ANEWBuRT, Looms 8 snd Block. TO TENEMENT FOUR blocks west of Union Park. WING A TUCKER, 71 Canal-st TO NICE CLRAN FUENInHed or unlwmieted residence or boardinghomes.

Central, modem improvements. at 150 TO THE and basement brick house, 1029 Prairie av, to a small with no small children, inquire on piernSesfrom tosp. TO TO 40X120, OVER LIVSRT STAble 37 and 39 Fourteenth st, without posts or partitions fl'O KNIBBRD BOOMS FOR bus mesa or lodglngat voiylow rates. MS Wabash-av. bknt-laboe fboat parlor, handsi mely for gentlemen; rent S3O.

1060 abash av. TO WELL BURNISHED ROOMS en suite or slngle.with gas use of bath room heated by steam. Private residence (large brick). Wanea kT. to rent- street oara and omnibus lines one block off- call at Room 18,77 Went et from 3a.

10 6 T'O FRONT ROOMS NiCAR Beyne and MaCleon-bts. Enquire at store 738 Madieon-Bt. TO UN FURNISHrd room In a floe location. Apply to THOMaS F. 77 South aistad at TO UNFURNISHED ROOMS for emailfamily.

469 North Clark 110 BENT- A tDBKlcaiD B' OM. WITH OB without board, at 123 Weit Washlngtonat. FURNISHED BOOMS a. by the day, ween, or month. at West 8 doors from HsJsted ak Enqoire Boom 8.

TO ROOMS TO MAN AND wile, without children. Apply at 130 South Greenest. ffYO SUITABLE FOB HOUSE- keeping. Irqt.lre at 233 Foonb-av. BENT-2 PIEsSANT BOOMS WITH GOOD board at 635 Wsbaab-av References exchanged.

TO OFFICES, fte. mo THIRD FLOOR OP NOS, 28, 30, and 33 South Canahat, eoxuo. with front entrance and good Ucbb Apply to J. F- rATHBONS A OCt, 3Sand4oLake-st. TO 4 AT 34 SOUTH st, on the first floor.

RkNT AND BLACK. smiths' 166 Fifth-av. corner Areade-court, suitable for lodges and 1 unless. Apply to WM. LOWBIK.

67 aad 69 South CUnton-Bt. BIORY BRICK BUILD- Inge, very suitable for wholesale business: Noe-217. 229 ana 231 Bsndoipb-at, between Franklin aad Market at a reasonable rats, by JOHN OUNZENHaUBER-. Beal estate thee 161 Randolph at. ntO LONG AND DESIRABLE lease for sale from Jan 1.

Two rooms, 46x90. on second and third floors with basement, at 63 and 66 t-outb Canal-si. with or without 40-horaa engine and belrer Apply to a. N. KELLOGG.on HOUSE in good relghborb-od, rent net to exceed 61306.

location be east of Address W. u. P. care M. D.

WeDa, corner Madison Marketata. WaNTED-TO NICELY FURNIoHed or an untarnished room near the corner of Monroe sL and Centre-ay. Addreea 62, Tribune office. UL ANTED-TO OR furr iabed, a neat cottage containing 6 or with Immediate possession, fora family of three gnvr persona. Addresa, with tall particular! as to location, terms V.

V. Chicago Tribune ogee. Re KIRfIBUSU tfcoOM for two gentlemen, without board, on Wabash noth of Four tee that. Private family prewired Tribune offlea (X 7 BEDROOMS AND parlor en suite, on Michlgaa-av. between Twelfth and sixteenthsta for three young gentlemen.

Address DM, Tribune office- par FURNISHED BOOM, vv 0r gentleman, without beard, on the Hide; convenience for fixe necessary. Address T. H. Tribune office BENT-BOOMS OB SUITE OF rooms on West oentislly located, with hot and cow water. No; famished cr unfurnished.

J. S. Po AFIFST-CLaSS BARBERSHOP ON WABASHav. in desirable locattan. doing a good slness, ferrate.

Must be sold owner la obliged to leave the eity For particulars lr quire of B. LOOMIS A ai hstaie A nta. 237 State-at. A FoK -IP- OR WHOLE interest Id a billiard hail and bar doing first oiaas trade 371 blatest AFIRKTCLaSS DRXFSMaXING BUSINESS for sale cheap. loeattm an south dress Tribune Breach ALaLY WHO INVEST 91.000.

WELL SBcured, and who la a good penman, can team of a Terr desirable og Y42, Tribane office. a TWO LKaSS OF STORK FOB sale, located In the beat business portion of with atore fixtures and atoox ot gent's furnishing goods Addreaa STANLEY, oare Carrier 73. A well ESTABLISHED obqceby stobk for sale: very ot rap for oaab owner haa to go aaet onbnaneaa. Apply 111 Blue laland-av. A NO.

1 KEoTaOBaNT AND ICE CREAM saloon for aale. On account of retiring from basinets I offer my business and stand for aale at a great sacrifice For further information cal! at or address BEaNDINaVEN. office Noa- 75 andj 77 West Kin. xlo-st, Awfll established and FLOURISHING hardware business, in Northern lowa for sale. Inquire of SEEBEROXR 83 amd 40 Chicago.

A GOOD STOCK OF DRUGS AND FIXTURES ot a first class drug store In one of the beet towns in Northern lowa for sale or exchange for Chicago real estate; reason given for aale. dress, immediately. A COLE. Cherokee lowa, Business interests of any kind, in city er country, sold, or partners procured, by KIMBALL A General Brokers, 171 Madlaon-at. Desirable factory property fob or awe shall soon move Into our ntwfactory, we offer rurpresent 82 West Washington et, corner Jefferson.

It haa engine, boilers, shafting and la suitable for almost any manufacturing business, piloting establishment, eto. a. ANDREWS 119 and 121 Weal Washington et FAMILY GROCERY STORK FOR 8 reason for selling a good trade and a good location Address 82, Tribune office. sale-or to bent, firstclass photographic gallery and fixtures, a few di north of Chicago; terms good- For particulars at dxeae P. W.

SLACK, 47 and 48 West Lake-st. HA LF A BUSINESS PAYING two bnndred per cent- for aale for to Increase butinaas. No hnmbng. 41, Tritune. MEAT MARKET DOING A GOOD CASH BUSTness for will be sold at a bargain for cash.

inquire at 25 Archer-av. Newspaper fob flourishing liberal Republican weekly newspaper in one of the beat portions of Illinois offered for sale; good lessens given for selling; a half interest will be sold to the right man. Address TYPO. Tribune office. RARE CHANCE FOB A atm and stove shop at Ottawa.

Ill; flourifhing business, for the last twelve years running twi- wagons; aha Ibe sold at easy rms. on aooonnt of 111 health of the owner Apply to JOSEPH Advert. Bureau. 23south Oanal-st, from 9 to 10 p. SALOON AND LARGE BOARDING HOUSE FOB to accommodate 30 men.

Inquire at 46 Bawson-st, near the north rolling mill; long lease. YTITANTED YOUNG MAN WITH SIOO CAN purchase cfllce From day prrflte 96. Ttibure Branch office. HORSES CARRIAGES. At 284 35 8 HCOND-HAND buggies and rockawaya, park phaetons, hoalneai wagons.

and upwards, ell of the beat maker's. Cash paid for second hand buggies A FIVE TE OLD HOBBB. WEIGHING 1.100 lbs will be sold cheap also a fresh milch cow and calf; to be seen at 747 west Madison-at. Fob fins o-yeab old mark, a good stepper and very at'llsh good stabling for eight boarder.s Apply at bam In rear of 1030 wabajsh-av. FOR BOBRE, WEIGHT 1.100; shows 3:10 time: stylish driver, double or single; one of the saddle hones in the country; gentle In driving; lady con handle him; will be sold cheap; have no use for him; be seen at 233 umet-av J.

Fob ip taken at once, top boggy, phaeton, horse, pony, and single harness. 63 and To west Mocroe-st. Fob I tbotting andboadthobsbs. varying la speed from 4 minutea 39 Fourteenth at. Fob fjrst.class buggy horses, with or without buggy and harness; also two horses suitable for grocery or express purposes.

Inquire in rear of 1045 Wabaah-av, between 4 and 8 p. m. Fob iam about closing my business for the season. 1 have for sale several well matched carriage also, others suitable for buggy end light work Alaa, buggies and mess. O.

8AKE8.405 Splendid stock of family and phaeton buggies at coat and building, for Also, children's with reversible bwiea 2i9 Hichlgan-av, opposite Tremoat House. EDWARDS WANTED BUSINESS KOBSB ANg wagon in exchange for liquors, fcS59 ooutn dark at. WErANTED-20 TEAMS TO GRADE at Washington Heights. allfal 1 wages; pavmtnu every two weeks. Appiy oa wa works, or to B.

RILEY, corner WJSTED-4 harness and double wagon, for cash, byO. l. JENKb, 36 Eaitison-st. UTABTKD-A GOOD DBIVIBO HO vv ueashnairv end would a sleign, also win in exchange BROWN A HORTON, Beal Estate Agents, 973 Wa bash av. Divorces legally ter decree; scandal practice tbervrnrta of Obiesao- Address F.

0. nex im WITH port: all law busliioas done- NEW ELL PRATT. Attorney, btate united states 494 South dark-st THE ADDRESS Of A LAWYER who can with a good procure a diveroe in ea prompt bill ia procured. drvsaW.H.. Box 468, Couaty, Uffl.

WARED-IKAU HBLF. VVVWWWV Wtm -i-u bk vowt. Acarese. haw, aTneti BURNHaM BMtk Oaaakat, i A AN HONEST iihfiXlADY NO-1 THiTIS ACOT. rat.aßd.*QoaieDmaii.

Itoferaacreqixiwa. Addrewi 51. Trine IN. A SHOMBTOM: if meat apeak Germaa and understand the business. apply at 143 kTHOBOUGHLY RELIABLE and practicable double entry, bookkeeper; moat he grsvoiaea in every respect.

Address, with rtderenoee and salary wanted, 88, Tribune office. OUNO SCAN-TO-ATTEND A cigar counter. Be mnat understand hie Isesa Apply to P. corner State and Harrison WARPER AT THE LAPP con Woollen Mills; nose but a first class workman need apply. La CON WOOLLEN MMPO La con.

111. ANTED GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE workmen MCFARLAND, PRICE 00., 87 North CARPENTER TO BUILD MB A vf one story cottage west of union Park, to be paid for in monthly installments or fioo each month; good security wid be given to secure deferred payments. Apply to or address JF. St)s West Adsma-st. or Boom 5.

Board Public Works, comer Adams and AKTID-GOOD WAGES AND STEADY tinner, woo Is posted on stovemounting ard understands his business good. At No, 101 West Harrison oor ot Clinton. TWO GOOD TINNERB-aT $Bl at. Jacobs Harrisdn. a meat cook; an order cook hotel cooks preferred.

Apply at tbe Anchor Coffee Rooms, souuiwest cotter West Lake and liceplaints ats. WANTED-A GORDON PRESS If ttds morning. G. B. RICHARDSON.

74 East Madison st. WANTED-A GOOD TINNER. APPLY AT once, at HI Mllwankee av, Chicago 4 OR 6 GOOD MEN FOR STORE fit log Come with your tools, to W. DLETuN. on btaie-st, near Randolph; wages, $3 SO.

WANTED TAILORS 1 JBDSHELMAN. 1 pants maker, 1 coat maker; also 1 good tailorear. Call at 598 cottage Grove-av, near Douglas Pisco. WANTED JOURNEYMAN HAIRDRESSER at 94 Hsiritonat. a young man who can do plain lettering at 476 Wabash-av.

ITUATION A PRACTICAL glceer. Address A 23, Tribune office. AT 51 NORTH Jefferson-st. GOOD TAILORS FOB CUSTOM 680 South Btate-st. 1 Tsamstefs, Ee.

MAN TO TAKE CARE 07 2 HOBff eea, and do light chores aboutthe bouse Nona but steady, and eli experienced need apply. Good andS2 Wabash-av. WHO THORff engbly understands the care of and car in every ecces required. B.P. SLOCUM, Oanal-aL.

MBH TO WORK OS KB3IPB Lotoc, Parish of Tensas, state of Louisiana, 60 ollea below Vicksburg. Mias. Tbe worka have been commenced, and will laat during tbe winter and The blcbeat wages will be paid monthly. Apply os tbe works to John B- field, F. j.

Tyrrell, Daniel knnis. B. McNamara, Baggott A and Byrne P. bnnedy A Contractors- Office 229 Qravler-st, New Orleans. Xa loco laborers on oaibo and Fulton Railroad, of Arkansas Work oas year; 12 2S per day good stauen work: free tranaponatlocL from 8t Louis to work, furnished by WIL HPOHIfI, 1206' Bt.

Loala, VILLA A ALLEN, Little Rook, Ark. WANTED- UNLESS YOU BEAR THE BEPUtatlnn of being honest and indoatriona. and can get along without your brandy, the Southwestern Colony of Colorado la a bad place logo to. If yon arc sober-minded and industrious, come and go along and secure a good borne while you can. Office 3t9 West Madleon-at.

8. GREEN. WaNTXD-IN A COUNTRY STORE, NEaB the city, a yon: jr man of good and good address. who thoroughly nndaratanda the bnslness of a general store: moat be able to give flras-claas references. Addieae Sl2.

Tribune office. an bring good references. Apply after 8:30 am Room 2,124 booth Clark-at. WANTED-A COLORED BOY AT 34t WEST waahlsgton-et; between 16 and 20 years of age, to work in and about house. a boy fbom uto is years old.

good wages will be given to the right one. 673 Carroll at. OTD GOOD MAN WELL ACQUAINTED with the real estate business, to sell cheap city lota, outside the fixe limits. Address 33, Tribune office. WANTED -2 000 MEN FOB MENOMINEE for the Houghton and Ontocagu Railroad.

Wages from $3 25 to 260 Fiee fare and fees. Loag winter Job company pay. Also sawmill hands. Cheap tickets io the South. Apply at our office, 23 West Lake and 2 North Wella-st.

I TO LEAVE TO-DAY. AT 3 P.M., 60 Tv teams, for railroad work in Lake Superior, wages te per week; free fare to tbe work. Apply for particulars to CHRISTAIN BING, ICQ south Canm at. WANTED- A MAN, AS PORTER. AND TO DO general work about the house.

Apply House. WAiSTJkL YOtTEfO MAST JOB STORE, colored porter and coachman, toamater, men for Northern Faclflo Bali road, aovermneat work, farms, sawmills. and to so eouth at 218 Xaat Waahlngtoa-st, Bonn 28. MOBJE MEN FOR NORTHERN- Paciflc Railroad; $3 per day. SO for eparta Tunnel.

82.40 per day: worn lasts till next May ico lor Illinois. section work. 200 for Wisconsin: entirely free fare; no fees 30 for sawmills. 10 for backyards. CO for city work.

I.COO for the South. Cheap tickets to the work. ANGEIuj A COAKEB, 21 West Ran WANTFD-20 HANDS. 826 PCRMOSTH and beard; work all winter; 10 for sawmills; 830 per month and board; no oharses In the offloe leave to-day. 21 West Bandolph-sc.

WANTXD-MSN LOOKING FOB EMPLOYmoot to call JONKS A 169 West Madison, st Easiness legitimate; pays better than wages. THIS TtATT.nOAn LA. borers for Michigan and Wisconsin; wages 82 to 82 25; board. 84; free fare for all; a steady winter's work given. We also want 75 sawmill hands; wages 828 and per month and board: IB to chore around at S3O and board; 60 for Ac; 40 for farm work; burry up if yon want a work, and apply to CHRISTIAN A BING.

101 Booth CanaLat, or 69 West XU7 BAILBOAD LABORERS, 16 biidgecarpenters; 25 sawmill hands; so for city work. Highest wages. 35 West A ANDRE BON A GO AnTED-TWO BOYS USED TO PACKING spleen. Apply to JOHN L. DAVIES A Broadway Mills, mate and Rlghteenth-sts.

16 SCANDINAVIAN LABORERS for station work. 10 miles from city, on the Chiown a Milwaukee Railroad Call between 9 and 11. at 48 Fourth-aA LANODON A CO. AND WIFM WITHOUT children, man for coachman and gardener, woman to do washing and ironing; house to live in on the premises. Apply at 119 Loomis st.

AT FLOBKNCBPLACB HOTEL. Na 1030 Wsbosh-av, a yard man and porter. WANTED lOO BAILBOAD LABORERS, wages, 82 25 per day: 20 for city. $2 75 per Also, saw min hands. Caw at 28 Went

ruBH PAID FOR GAST-OPP CLOTHING AND mlsceilsneons goods of any kind, by sending a to I. Gwlpeb, Loam office. 861 Statist. Established is p. w.

skinner, commtssion Merchant, seeds and grain. No 169 ealle-st. Chicago. 111. mANTAD-THIS DAY, AT IIS WEST MADIVV sonar, 10 boys to purchase handsome salts or clothes at $4 to 87 the soft to infebest in oome good paying produce commission ness Address 29, Tribnne office.

PARTY WITH 81.000 TO SS 000 to take an Interest in some lots that will pay Address 91. Tribnue office. lEAMtD-bt'-K KOUM-BY A PARTY KEF- resenting a Philadelphia tea house. Addresa 71. Tiihnneoffice.

war GOOD PUDStiK TEAMS AND carta, to haul coal; a good prlce pald- Apply to M. T. A A 1 West and 176 Kinzle-at titaHTFD-BY A AND SON. THE OABB of a building as Janitors, having had The of referenoes and tyforSshfld. Addresa 370 (basementi North Frankiin-st HAVE THE ABOVE AMOUNT S3 0 0 that I wish to Invest in something that Is which will yield a reasonable return, immo- Oiitely.

I want to capital. I stand such prosperity, tempo raio. Honest, ana energ.uo, wmt rom ftAiA BOR A GO. 164 West Iste-st. last Washington at Mmprlfei 4 tentsf a ra AND cash- one icaffold and ropes alr raI idJ of Spanish brown and enetlan a6 rottw-pUea.

after 6 p. m. OVIR TKJt C. B.A Q. tbomin- Mia return, lor one or two for one person; Will be sola cheep.

Son AKISO- isaeontb W.terst, VR. SHELVING SeforclSaPddrug'store. one large Indian flg 3 tables, chandelier, and gaa futures at great 119 Sonlll T.TT—* TiWIIP PDATFOBM SC 4XKB AT Pliw fllSir WM. AA. W.

ramxi, MS rniioiui LOANS OR HOBTOAOR ROTZS, LAABKHOLD property, and satisfactory collaterals. L. R. cabswsll. Room 63, oorner Clark and Washington sts.

Monet in hand to loan on farms or city B. L. PEAfiE, 79 West Msdlson-at. ptCM Si 000 TQ 51.500 TO INVEST IN SOME safe business; most bear investigation. Addreas 499 west indiannet.

mo ON REAL ESTATE; ft torest per purchase money mortgages cashed. J. H.BXBBELL, 45 Bryan Black. 8 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON BEAT. estate.

Also, small smonnta on chattels. BELDBN 171 East Madison-at. ytPAA TO LKSD ON FIRSTCLABS CITY property. GEO. W.

PARENT A CO utheaa' comer Halsted and Buiunta mtama OLDBRIOKB. ATPI.Y wuuMtm-U. VUUM UfM rock ftt dviaeteat rlrl for jenaral honseworK is a 4n easy place, wiib rood GLBIrf To VO HST Friirio I I- flniliTU Ittd in a tmsily. urAHTBP-Paa JBOAHIU3Q. HOIJSR laundress, SR chambermaid.

kitchen girl, $3 Sk B.J.TOWSON, 70 Madison st, corner srate. KooiaZT. wcrk in tally of. VanSurtn-se. '1 wwr GIBL.

BWKII OB Tt ANTED-AN OIBU'FRvM years nf age, ooewhocn speak Xngllan Tap advantages of a gocd home an offered to a Call at 274 North Welle-at WAKTJD-A GOOD GIRL TO DO OBNBB4L work in a private family. 8a Warrcn-av. WANTBD-A FIRST.CLAS3 GIRL FOR German orswedlah Good Apply at 154 Calumet-ar. a good. RELIABLE TO Co general housework, In small family.

Apply early, at yn-onth Morgan-st. GIRLS. ONK TO COOK. WASH vf andiron. the other as second girl.

Call early at 9 West Mcnroe-at 2 GOOD SECOND COOKS. 4 GIRLS to Co kitchen work, at Pestaprsof, corner of Market and Madison ata. PHILIP CONLEYS. GOOD COOK. APPLY Tt attly ats3 South Jefferaomst OR COLORED BOY TO vT wash dirhes and do kitchen work.

Apply ini' mediately at 751 Wabash-av. WiKIM-OOOBWjOES WIT, BS PAIBTO aor mpetent girl, to do general housework, 132 Twentj-fourth-st. 2 GIRLS, ITO CuOK. WASH iron, and Ito do second work. Apply at It Wabash-av.

TO DO GENERAL HOUSEwork in small family must be go jd cook; 1133 Wabaeh-av. a good girl, in a small family cf tv must boa good cook and laundress. Inquire at 22 North WANTBD-A GOOD AND COMPETENT GIRL TV for general housework Call immediately at 559 Indiana-av. A GOOD GTRL TO DO HOU3Ett work la a small family. No 35 WaLautsc.

near Union Paik. WANTED- A GOOD GIRL TO DO SECOND work and lion, at 344 at. A STEADY GIRL WHO HAS good city references and Is a good cook, washer and irocer, to do the general work of a email Cant- Uy. Apply to 910 Michigan av. WANTS DINING ROOM GIRLS.

AT Kuropesn Hotel and Restaurant, ctrner Canal and WANTED TOR GENERAL work. Come early.prepared for work; $4 50 per week; 173 Wett Adams-sr, Isswtrssisii TWO GIBLS FOR CUSTOM TAILOR work. Callst 112 East Banlson-st WANTED MEN AND women to ethch eall duck. Apply to TON A SCRaNTON, 241 South Water-sU. TWO FIBST-OLA6B trimmers to go to IndlsnapoUs; will pay 812 to US per week and railroad fate one way.

Apply or adcross J. W. REILLY. 63 North Illlnoia-bt, a GIRL TO MAKE MATTRESS ff ticks and take a sewing machine In part payment 416 West Randolphat. HEWING GIRL TO WORK IV ww.npt oletery department; one who understands her work can lava constant employment.

Apply to SAMPSON, GILBERT A GO. 257 and 259 bssh-ar. AT 1030 WABASH- AV, A COUPE tent girl to do plain sewing and light boosework. Heiiskssfsrii WANTED EXPERIENCED QIRL TO keep house for a small family in a town. Apply, before 2 to-day, at 460 West Washington at.

SITUATIONS WAIfD-MAUM Botkksiyen, Qiarkit Ak SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG HAM of eome experience in banking business, wka speaks and Wittes Scandinavian German and Eng- Ifab, Address H. HERTZ 83 weal Klnzie at. SITUATION SALESMAN OR cltrk, by a young man from England, to a goad hardware boose of business: 12 expert A. C. 7g Foreat Station, IU.

SITUATION A PRACTICAL business man, permanently, in some good baM cess, wholesale preferred, has had several perlerce in general mercantile business, also to ires manufacturing Will accept inside or outside work; writes fair band; can keep books. Will givaaatlelactory references- Call or address W. care T. H. Avery, corner Canal sad Pulton-eta- SITUATION BOOKKEEPER, teller, clerk, or travelling agent, in a bank, or meg.

canUle business; can speak German Good references given- For further information address A drawer 223, Freeport. 111. ITUATION A YOUNG HAH as bookkeeper or assistant. Good reference furnished. 95, Tribune office.

SITUATION OLD AND EXPEriecced man acquainted with the retail boot and shoe trade, wants a situation wlthamodeiate Address Ll3, Tribune office. ITUATION A YOUNG GEBman lor the winter. Breaks EnplUh. German and Free oh salary not an object Inquire at JOBBFH KAUFMANN advertising-office. 28 South CanaHA IITUATION CLERK IN A.

grocery, or driven light-wagon- Firat-classreierenoea Address O. B-. lOlt State-at. SITUATION A YOUNG HAH to lean the trade. Address O.PJ^Bec 7SB, Aurora, lIL SITUATION A YOUNG HAH to learn a trade.

nr rmfin red 82. Tribune-office SITUATION A STEADY, young man as coachman In a small private Intel- ly; understands careof horses, and carriages, sad. furnace; will work after the drat month for beard and washing through the winter; best of refaranoen. Address 91, Tribune office. BdaonUENnwEsa SITUATION FIRM IN NEED of a good, honest, straight, sober man to a irTnH sale store, address 49 Tribune offlee.

UTUATIOm WAITIIHmUIiK IKHMitten Situations i hotel cook, boarding house cooks, 1 German girl, and 3 girls in private families. Call at 141 Weat waahlngtoa-et. Housekeepers. SITUATION AN EXPERTKNEed housekeeper in a first olaaa hotel, eUr. er.

country. Can give the beet of references. For three days nddreM Hotel, aes Stato-st. SITUATION A YOUNG LADY as governess in a family. The most aatlafaetoiy references given.

Address 383 West dolph-st, SIIUATION A YOUNG LADY as travelling companion to an invalid er taks care of childien. 83, Tribune office SITUATION WET NURSE, IT a healthy woman, SO years of with a shflE two weeks old, and an abundance of milk. Addreae MBS- GRIPPING. 719 Sooth Union-St, or OkMft. Belief and Aid Society, 07 Bandolph-sfc ITUATION CUTTER AND dress-fittar.

by a first-class dress-maker, jest arrived in the city. Address 819, Tribune Breach c4Hce. i- PARTNER THE HOTEL BUSTineas For particulars inquire of D. 8. WAR.

BFN, Yankton. D. T. ABTNIR WANTED-WITH ,1.000 CASH. IS well eatabUeHed ml i.ylng bmlnoes.

AtiarM. 90. Tribune office. PARTNER A YOUNG MAN who has a lease at $25 per month, lot 20x35, In the part of state at. I a class mechanic and salesman in hats, caps, fan, famishing goods, is desirous of getting a mamwith capital of 35.CC0.

to start the above boslaesaLr The teat of references exchanged. Address 98W- Tribune ofllce, IkARTNEB A FLOTjaiSHIEIG on the North Side. SI2OO will Lay a half interest None but competent business mam need apply. Address 52, Tribune office. Partner S4OO, in a bust.

ess that will pay that amount per month. US East Waehlngten-at. Room 38. Partner a new establisted copper distillery and rectifying or the whole can be bought. Inquire at 601 North.

Welis-st. Partner want a young colored man, who understands the business, and put his time and a few hundred dollars against my time and an equal amount as partner In a firstclass restaurant. Good references given and rcqHired. Addreas 79, Tribune office. PARTNER WANTED good business man that can command from 86.009 to 810 000 cash, wanted to Join the advertiser In a Ko.

1 manufacturing business that will pay from to S2O COO year y. A party having the above amoonk and seek ing a lucrative business, will give name and address, when and where an Interview can be bad. Addresa 69. Tribune office AOEVTB WAXTEOI Agents hartshorn's portrait of President Grant; indorsed by Mm. Grant.

Secretaries Luekey and Babooek. Major Ossu erals Sherman and Butler. Judge Russell, and others. aa being the beat and most characteristic ness of the President yet drawn; unprecedented sales, liberal Addreas the pnbliahw with stamp for circular, H. GOODWIN, 88 Studio Building.

Boston, Mass. A GENTS WHERE, POROUS Jm celebrated Gold Eyed Needle Package aad en Casket. We offer 300 per cent profit, and a premium worth 820, to all agents. Send stamp far aaaiple and circular. A.

RAY, 25 West Lake at. Pees IT. AGENTS ABLE A. wish to employ gentlemen aad ladH9 to solid orders for the celebrated improved Buckeye Shuttle Sewing Bttteh alike en both It will stitch, hem, fell. tuck.

cord, bled, braid, gather, aad sew from the finest nainsook to beaver overcoatings and leather. Par further Honiara, address W. a. HENDERSON A Clsvaland, Ohio, or Louis, Mo. Agents from to iiot capital, to sell an article entirely new; a ells rapidly everywhere: to business men, profits large, Cali at Boom No 363 or address J.

M. WOLF A CO. Chicago. 111. Agents every ward Tm the city, and in the country, to sell Crider's Photograph Family Records: experienced era make from to $lO per day; tha best.thiagest, and no humbug For terms to ageats, call ana see them at 145 West Van Bursa-st.

AQKBTS WASTE iMS.It TO CORNKK Mia 100 ft front cotojt ot itreiw. will rent for ot Trqmra Clark. VjITBUUTIOIi Adodst Mia Fim-eiw maMo InnilslMa JtIBA DHT nH AN mUAH USSSOIfS, BT PRObt KMI" tSa. PMU. MS 5.

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